Pheno Hunting Services

At Northwoods Cannabis, we leverage the latest advancements in technology, including our proprietary custom automation, state-of-the-art software, and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). These cutting-edge tools work synergistically to provide invaluable insights and data, empowering you with priceless information for selecting the perfect cannabis strains.

Our custom automation streamlines the pheno hunting process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy while minimizing human error. Paired with advanced software algorithms, we analyze vast datasets with precision, identifying the most promising phenotypes with ease.

Outsourcing pheno hunting for cannabis offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly elevate cultivation efforts. This provides access to specialized expertise and state-of-the-art technology that may not be readily available in-house, allowing cultivators to tap into a wealth of knowledge and resources. By entrusting this task to experienced professionals, cultivators can streamline their operations and focus on other aspects of their business, such as cultivation, marketing, and sales. Outsourcing pheno hunting can expedite the process, leading to quicker identification of high-quality phenotypes and ultimately accelerating time to market for new strains. This mitigates the risks associated with trial and error, as professionals with proven track records can efficiently navigate the complexities of genetic selection, resulting in more consistent and reliable outcomes. Outsourcing pheno hunting enables cultivators to optimize their resources, minimize costs, and achieve superior results in their cannabis breeding endeavors.

Full Control

Our automation solutions represent a cornerstone in modern cannabis cultivation, offering cultivators unprecedented levels of control and efficiency throughout the entire growing process. With our state-of-the-art automation technology, cultivators can precisely regulate environmental variables such as temperature, humidity, lighting schedules, and nutrient delivery systems. This level of control not only ensures optimal growing conditions for plants but also allows for real-time adjustments to maximize yields and quality. By automating repetitive tasks and monitoring critical parameters, cultivators can minimize human error and devote more time and resources to strategic decision-making and innovation.

Our automation solutions enable remote monitoring and control, providing cultivators with the flexibility to manage their operations from anywhere, at any time. In today's rapidly evolving cannabis industry, where precision and efficiency are key to success, our automation solutions empower cultivators to stay ahead of the curve and consistently produce top-tier cannabis products.

Ideal Conditions

In pheno hunting, precision and consistency are paramount, and our automation solutions provide cultivators with the ability to create and maintain ideal environmental conditions tailored to the unique needs of each cannabis strain. By automating tasks such as temperature control, humidity regulation, lighting schedules, and watering cycles, our systems ensure that plants receive optimal care throughout the pheno hunting process. This level of precision not only promotes healthy growth and vigorous development but also facilitates accurate phenotype expression and trait evaluation.

Our automation solutions enable cultivators to fine-tune environmental parameters based on specific genetic requirements, allowing for targeted cultivation strategies that maximize the potential of each strain. With our automation solutions, cultivators can streamline pheno hunting operations, minimize variability, and unlock the full genetic potential of their cannabis cultivars, ultimately leading to the identification of superior phenotypes and the development of top-tier cannabis strains.

Stress Testing

Our automation solutions play a pivotal role in stress testing cannabis strains during pheno hunt runs, ensuring breeders can identify the most resilient and high-performing varieties. By subjecting plants to controlled stressors such as temperature fluctuations, water scarcity, or nutrient imbalances, our automation systems simulate real-world conditions and provide invaluable insights into a strain's ability to withstand environmental challenges. This rigorous testing not only helps breeders select strains with superior adaptability and resistance but also enables the development of more robust and resilient cultivars tailored to thrive in diverse growing environments.

With our automation solutions, breeders can streamline the stress testing process, accelerate phenotype evaluation, and ultimately, breed cannabis strains that are not only high-yielding and potent but also resilient in the face of adversity, ensuring long-term success in the ever-evolving cannabis market.


Ensuring compliance in pheno hunting is paramount, especially in a landscape where markets increasingly demand verified genetics. With stringent regulations governing the cannabis industry, adherence to compliance standards is non-negotiable for cultivators aiming to thrive in this competitive arena. At Northwoods Cannabis, we recognize the critical importance of compliance and have developed sophisticated software solutions that seamlessly integrate with regulatory systems like Metrc. Our software not only facilitates the meticulous tracking of genetic data but also automates the process of pushing this information to regulatory and compliance platforms in real-time.

By leveraging our software, cultivators can effortlessly maintain meticulous records of their pheno hunting activities while ensuring full transparency and accountability to regulatory bodies. This integration not only streamlines operations but also instills confidence among stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to compliance and quality assurance. In an industry where compliance is the cornerstone of success, Northwoods Cannabis stands at the forefront, offering innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of cultivators while upholding the highest standards of regulatory compliance.

All About the Data

In the competitive landscape of cannabis cultivation, the importance of data-driven decision-making cannot be overstated. Our software plays a pivotal role in this process by meticulously tracking valuable data points essential for creating desirable strains tailored for commercial production. By capturing insights on resin production, yields, cannabinoid profiles, terpene compositions, and other key metrics, our software empowers cultivators to make informed choices at every stage of the breeding process.

This data-driven approach not only enables breeders to identify and replicate successful genetic combinations but also allows them to optimize cultivation practices to maximize profitability and efficiency. By leveraging our software's ability to analyze vast datasets and identify correlations between various factors, cultivators can fine-tune their breeding programs to produce strains that meet the specific needs and preferences of commercial markets. From enhancing potency and aroma to improving disease resistance and yield potential, our software serves as a cornerstone for innovation and success in the cannabis industry.

Dial in your perfect strain

Our software empowers breeders to achieve the pinnacle of strain perfection by providing comprehensive tracking and analysis capabilities. In the intricate world of cannabis breeding, every detail matters, from the subtle variations in phenotype types to the nuances of environmental conditions and resistance to pests and molds. By meticulously tracking these factors and correlating them with the desired outcomes, our software enables breeders to dial in their perfect strain with unparalleled precision.

Whether it's fine-tuning the genetic expression of desired traits or optimizing cultivation protocols to maximize yield and resilience, our software serves as an invaluable tool for breeders striving for excellence. With the ability to monitor and adjust variables in real-time, breeders can iteratively refine their breeding programs, leading to the creation of truly exceptional cannabis strains that meet the highest standards of quality and consistency.

Track everything

In the realm of cannabis cultivation and breeding, precision is paramount, and our software paired with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technology ensures that no detail goes unnoticed. By meticulously tracking valuable data such as terpene profiles, cannabinoid ratios, and overall cannabinoid profiles, our software provides breeders with invaluable insights into the genetic makeup of their strains. This comprehensive data allows cultivators to tailor their breeding efforts towards producing cannabis varieties with specific characteristics sought after by consumers, whether it be certain terpene profiles for distinct flavors and aromas, or precise cannabinoid ratios for desired therapeutic effects.

The integration of HPLC technology ensures the accuracy and reliability of these measurements, providing breeders with the confidence to make informed decisions throughout the breeding process. With our software and HPLC tracking capabilities, breeders can unlock the full potential of their cannabis strains, delivering products that meet the highest standards of quality and consistency in today's competitive market.

Enhanced Data Management and Analysis

Our custom software solutions provide a centralized platform for managing vast quantities of genetic data, pedigree information, and phenotypic observations. Breeders can efficiently catalog and analyze genetic traits, breeding histories, and performance data across multiple generations and cultivars. Advanced analytics tools enable breeders to identify correlations, patterns, and genetic markers associated with desirable traits, facilitating data-driven decision-making and accelerating the breeding process.

Precision Breeding and Trait Selection

Automation technologies play a pivotal role in precision breeding, enabling breeders to precisely control pollination, crossbreeding, and trait selection. Our automated breeding systems utilize robotics, sensors, and AI algorithms to optimize breeding protocols, increase breeding throughput, and minimize human error. By standardizing breeding procedures and ensuring consistency, breeders can systematically introduce and select for desired traits, such as cannabinoid content, terpene profiles, disease resistance, and yield potential.

High-Throughput Phenotyping

Phenotypic evaluation is essential for assessing plant characteristics and selecting superior breeding lines. Our automation solutions incorporate high-throughput phenotyping technologies, including imaging systems, spectroscopy, and sensor networks, to rapidly and accurately quantify plant traits on a large scale. Automated data capture and analysis streamline phenotypic evaluation, allowing breeders to phenotype thousands of plants efficiently and identify elite individuals with desired traits for further breeding efforts.

Predictive Modeling and Genomic Selection

Our software solutions leverage predictive modeling and genomic selection algorithms to expedite genetic improvement and trait prediction. By integrating genotype data with phenotype data, breeders can develop predictive models that estimate the genetic potential of individual plants or breeding populations. Genomic selection enables breeders to prioritize the selection of genetically superior individuals based on their predicted breeding value, accelerating the breeding cycle and increasing the rate of genetic gain.

Collaborative Research and Knowledge Sharing

Our software platforms facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among breeders, researchers, and industry stakeholders. Cloud-based collaboration tools enable remote access to genetic data, breeding resources, and research findings, fostering collaboration across geographically dispersed teams. By facilitating information exchange and collaborative breeding projects, our software solutions catalyze innovation, foster synergies, and accelerate genetic progress within the cannabis breeding community.